Friday, May 16, 2008

Soldier Boy

Silly Girl

Miss Trista & her hair

Last school project

Bye, Bye Baby

As you can see, my baby boy is growing up! If you have gone to his Auntie Joy's page, which I have a link for, you will see that he has finished Head Start & will be going into Kindergarden! I will, (as soon as I can scan the pic) will post his Head Start Class Picture! He has done very well! He can count to 20, & write his first & last name! He know's all his shapes & colors. He is starting to put words together! He saw on a cartoon one time the word zoo & new what it was!

Trista is also growing fast. I havent had batteries to take the countless things she does. Her new favorite word is "Apple" She copies everything, especially whatever her bubba does! She loves to dance & color! On her site from Auntie Joy (which I do have a link) is some updated pictures.

I just wanted to share a few things that was going on in their lives. We Thank u for sharing these moments with us!

Marsha & Jim